Research at SSUWT
Our scientific departments aim to provide academic leadership in water transport area and to develop strategic partnerships around all the Russia and the other world to advance research in following fields:
- Hydraulic engineering and inspection of hydraulic structures. Research, development and design activities related to evaluation of the bearing capacity of buildings and structures in accordance with its dilapidation.
- Vibration protection on river vessels. SSUWT creates technical solutions enabling to reduce the unwanted vibration of the hull without reducing the operational characteristics of the vessel.
- Educational Research Centre "Plasma spraying technologies” was established at a base of SSUWT in order to further research and implementation of these technologies in production as well as increase engineers’ training level in the use of plasma technology in mechanical engineering. The plasma segment of the Centre is equipped with the most modern thermal plasma torches for coating processes in which various kinds of materials with unique properties could be sprayed onto a surface. This technology has been successfully used in ship repair and shipbuilding.
- The hydrological research that defines and justify the necessary amount of dredging the river to ensure the proper parameters of navigation channel, which must be guaranteed for the carriage of goods and passengers. The increased depth will reduce the need to load some ships with less cargo weight than their size allows, or to unload cargo from ships.
- Siberian state university of water transport develops autonomous navigation systems. Currently, SSUWT developed and patented a new device to determine the coordinates of the object's location based on celestial navigation. This development may be of concern both for general civil use and for the Ministry of Defense.
- Reducing marine engines emission is also very significant line of research. SSUWT designs and produces new devices to reduce the content of harmful substances in exhaust gases. These devices and methods can be successfully applied not only in marine diesel engines, but in the road sector and other equipment.
- Research in the field of power grid construction reliability is carried out by two departments at the Faculty of electrical engineering.